Thursday, October 1, 2009

heliotrophic surface

This week was painful.

It had nothing to do with the members in my group, they were great.
It had to do with scheduling everyone and communication.

We started strong, meeting the sunday after class for hours, just discussing exactly what we wanted to do; what we thought would work, what would not, why. We worked off each others ideas, and just had a very long conversation about all the things this project and our object could entail. This was extremely relaxed, with no sense of urgency or schedule, which I thought was incredible. Rarely, I am I not watching the clock, making lists of what we need to accomplish, and finding myself totally distracted worrying about getting everything done and doing it in a timely fashion. The calm dynamic allowed us to work through many ideas, and to start with a very positive outlook on the project.

As the week picked up, however, things got crazy and everyone got busy. We had a really hard time meeting as a full group which made it impossible to figure out all the details and overcome all the issues involved in such a complex system. This made it difficult for anyone to move ahead, for we all felt a little bit lost on the final plan (i guess im talking for other people... but thats how i felt and imagine others did as well).

this week was really hard. Attempting to organize our schedules is a big enough headache, but trying to accomplish ANYTHING on top of that...
truly difficult.

we, unfortunately, have some last minute things to workout, so I will check back in tomorrow!

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