Saturday, December 12, 2009

Count down

This last week was a test of many things. A test of endurance, a test of patience, a test of functionality compared to exhaustion, and a test of efficiency. As if smart surfaces couldnt keep us busy, we were loaded down with the work of our 13 other credits. Exams, papers, 3 group presentations, and a video documentary-all due Thursday, and this does NOT include our shy solar cell.

Early this week (tuesday i believe), Chris, Mat, and Johanna finished the file for the formica, and got it routed. This was the last piece before we could really begin gluing things together. I soldered solar cells together all week with Michelle and Jason, so tuesday night would be our first intensive building period.

Johanna glued the formica to the plastic, Chris and Mat worked a lot on the structure and the servos, and Jason and I soldered and soldered and soldered. We finally began to see glimpses of a finished project. We worked until 3 in the sculpture studio, and felt good when we finally packed up to go home.

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